Approaches to classroom observation
1. System-based observation: System-based observation means the observation that is based on a system of fixed observation categories. Systems using fixed observation categories.
2. objectify the teaching process,
3. provide a reliable record,
4. promote self-awareness in the teacher.
5. provide a meta-language, and
6. may make teacher training more effective by improving the quality of teaching.
7. Ethnographic approach to observation: Ethnography is a social research method in which the ethnographer participates in people’s daily lives for an extended period of time watching what happens, listening to what is said, asking questions and so forth. Hence, ethnographic approach to observation is a data collection might seem appropriate.
8. Ad-hoc approach to observation: In this approach, it is assumed that each different area of concern will yield a different system of analysis. This is basically a guided ‘discovery’ approach to observation is a much open ended approach, where the observer first identifies areas of concern, and devises what kind of data collection might seem appropriate.
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