Learning English, Literature, Linguistics: Group Mode

Monday, 12 December 2011

Group Mode

Group Mode

       The group mode is essentially interactive in nature and distinguished from the lecture mode in that the lecture mode in that the lecture mode is a one-way process. As the name itself suggests, the group mode involves the whole group in the learning process. It has both advantages and disadvantages.
       The main advantage of the group mode is that it includes a rich variety of different kinds of activities which attract learners to a substantial extent. That is, this mode allows seminars, tutorials, cross-group activities, workshops, practical sessions, simulations, case studies and games. All these activities engage learners in active participation in the learning process leading to communicative competence. Besides, the group mode provides the feedback to the tutor in terms of how the material under discussion is pitched at the right level. This mode also provides the feedback to the trainee and helps him/her find unclear issues clarified. Finally, the group mode can provide ample scope for reflection, especially in terms of trainees being able to relate new information and ideas to their own previous knowledge and professional concerns.
       However, the group mode has some problems. Firstly, it may be expensive in terms of tutor time. That is to say, if the tutorial is dominated by the tutor, with little space for trainee is that some sessions are aimless, with no perceived beneficial result for learning.

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