Learning English, Literature, Linguistics: Narration/Speech

Friday, 9 December 2011


Narration/Speech (Dw³)

ð    Note of Narration: e³v hv e‡j Zv‡K Narration ev Speech e‡j|
ð    Kinds of Narration: Narration `yÕcÖKvi: 1. Direct Narration (cÖZ¨¶ Dw³)
       2. Indirect Narration (c‡iv³ Dw³)
1.    Direct Narration (c‡iv³ Dw³): ‡h Dw³‡Z e³vi K_v AweKj (ûeyû) e¨³ (DׄZ Kiv nq, Zv‡K Direct Narration e‡j| Direct Narration (“_”) Inverted Comma Example: He said, “I am ill”.
2.    Indirect Narration: †h Dw³‡Z e³vi K_v (AweKj) ûeyû DׄZ bv K‡i Zvi e³e¨ A‡b¨i K_vq (fvlvq) cÖKvk Kiv nq, Zv‡K Indirect Narration e‡j| Ex. He said that he was ill.
ð    Two concepts (`yÕwU aviYv): Indirect speech Gi †h AskUzKz e³v wb‡R e‡j Zvi  verb †K reporting verb e‡j| reporting verb Gi c‡iB GKwU comma e‡m| Example: He says, “I am a boy” Aci c‡¶ e³v Ac‡ii Øviv D³ †h AskwU ûeyû Zz‡j a‡i Zv‡K Reported Speech e‡j|
       Example: He says, “I am a boy”
ð    Rules for changing persons:
       i. Direct Narration G Reported Speech Gi Sub. hw` 1st person nq Z‡e Indirect Narration G Reporting verb Sub. Gi Number I Person Abyhvqx Zv cwiewZ©Z n‡e| He says, “I am well.” Indirect: He says that he is well.
       ii. Reported Speech Gi Sub. hw` 2nd person nq Z‡e Reporting verb Gi object Gi Number, gender I person Abyhvqx Zv cwiewZ©Z n‡e| Exam: He said to me, “You are well.” He said to me that I was well.
       iii. Reported Speech Gi Sub. hw` 2nd person nq Ges Reporting verb Gi object bv _v‡K, Z‡e D³ Sub. cwieZ©b K‡i 3rd person Ki‡Z n‡e| He said (object) absent, “You are well” Indirect: He said (the person addressed/the person spoken to) that he was well.
ð    N.B. Object Gi ¯’‡j the person addressed or the person spoken to wj‡L cwieZ©‡bi mgq Third person Ki‡j †Kvb fyj aiv nqbv|
       iv. Reported Speech Gi Sub. hw` 3rd person nq, Z‡e Bnvi †Kvb cwieZ©b nq bv| As: He said, “Karim is well” He said that Karim was well.
ð    N.B. Direct Narration-G Reported Speech Gi Aš—M©Z Third Person KLbI KLbI Indirect Narration G First person or Second person G cwiewZ©Z nq| As: My brother spoke about stand first in the exam. My mother said about you that your behavior was good. My mother said about you, “His behavior is good.”
       v. “We” Øviv gvbeRvwZ eySv‡j First Person nIqv m‡Ë¡ I Indi. Speech G Zvi †Kvb cwieZ©b n‡ebv| The wise man said, “We are mortal.” The wise man said that we are mortal.
       vi. “We” hw` e³v (speaker) I hv‡K D‡Ïk¨ K‡i (Person spoken to) Dfq‡K eySvq Z‡e Indirect Speech G Zvi †Kvb cwieZ©b n‡e bv| He said to me, “We should do our duty” He said to me that we should love our country.
       vii. Editorial “We” Indirect Speech It G cwiewZ©Z nq| As. The Daily Star says, “We published that report on sound pollution.” The Daily star says that it had published the report on the sound pollution. The observer says, “We draw the attention of the Govt. in the matter.” The observer says that it draws the attention of the Govt. in the matter. He said to me, “We are not responsible for it.”
ð    Rules for changing Tenses:
1.    Direct Narration Gi Reporting Verb hw` Present Tense, Present Perfect Tense ev Future Tense nq Zvn‡j Reported Speech Gi Verb Gi Tense Gi †Kvb cwieZ©b n‡e bv| ïay Person cwieZ©b n‡e| He says, “I am right.” He says that he is right. He will say, “I did not go there.” He will say that he did not go there.
2.    Reporting Verb, Past Tense Gi n‡j Reported Speech Gi Verb cwiewZ©Z n‡q corresponding (Abyi“c) Past Tense n‡e| He said, “I am well” He said that he was well.
       (Direct Narration Gi V. Gi Tense) [Changing] (Indirect Narration G D³ V. Gi T. n‡e)
ð    Present Indefinite ---------------------------- Past Indefinite.
ð    Present Continuous ---------------------------- Past Continuous.
ð    Present Perfect ---------------------------- Past Perfect.
ð    Present Perfect Continuous ----------------------- Past Perfect Continuous.
ð    Past Indefinite ---------------------------- Past Perfect.
ð    Past Continuous ---------------------------- Past Perfect continuous.
ð    Past Perfect ---------------------------- Past Perfect.
ð    Future ---------------------------- Future in the Past.
ð    Unreal Past ---------------------------- Unreal Past.
ð    Shall ---------------------------- Should.
ð    Will ---------------------------- Would.
ð    Can ---------------------------- Could.
ð    May ---------------------------- Might.
ð    Now ---------------------------- then.       ð Come ------------------- go
ð    Here ---------------------------- There.    ð Today ----------------that day/ the same day.
ð    This ------------- that.        ð To-night --------------- that night.
ð    Ago ------------- before.    ð This day ----------------- that day.
ð    Hence -------- thence.    ð Tomorrow ------ the next day/ the following day.
ð    Hither ------------------- Thither.
ð    Thus -------------- so/ in that way.
ð    Yesterday ------------------ the previous day/ the day before.
ð    Las night  ----------------- the previous night/ the night before.
ð    Last month ---------------- the previous month.
ð    Last year ----------------- the previous year.
ð    Next day/ week/ year ----------- the following day/ week/ year/ month etc.
ð    Yesterday morning/ afternoon/ evening ---------- the previous morning/ afternoon/ evening.
ð    Tomorrow morning/ evening ---------- the following morning /evening etc.
ð    These ----------------- those.

ð    Transformation of Must:
1.    Must: Reported Speech G Must _vK‡j Ges Reporting verb Past Tense Indirect Narration Gi mgq “had to” nq| Kalim said, “I must go there” indi. Kalim said that he had to go there.
2.    Must: First Person G Must †Kvb fwel¨r Kv‡Ri Øviv eva¨evaKZv eySv‡Z Indirect Speech would have to He said, “We must leave the house if the rent is increased.” He said that they would have to leave the house if the rent was increased.
3.    Must: wPiKvjxb eva¨evaKZv ev `„p Abygvb eySv‡j Indirect Narration G Must Gi †Kvb cwieZ©b nqbv| He said, “You must obey your parents.
ð    Universal Truth/habitual fact: Reported Speech hw` U.T. ev H.F. cÖKvk K‡i Zvn‡j Reporting verb Gi Tense hvB †nvK bv †Kb Reported Speech Gi verb Gi Tense Gi †Kvb cwieZ©b n‡e bv ïay that emv‡jB Pj‡e| Matin said, “Everyday I read newspapers.” Matin said that eveyday he reads newspapers. He said, “The earth moves round the sun.” He said to me, “It must be very cold in your house.” He told me that it must be very cold (`„p Abygvb) in my house.

Use of this and these :

1.    This: hLb this Øviv mgq wb‡`©k K‡i ZLb this cwiewZ©Z n‡q that nq| Tomi said , “ I am coming Dhaka this week.” Tomi said that he was coming Dhaka that week.
2.    This/ These/ That : hLb this/ these/ that adjective wnmv‡e e¨eüZ nq ZLb this Ges that mvaviYZ: The †Z i“cvš—wiZ nq| Karim said, “I gave him this ring on his birthday.” Karim said that he had given him the ring on his birthday.
3.    This/These: This/These, Pronoun wnmv‡e e¨eüZ n‡j Indirect Speech- this/these cwiewZ©Z n‡q it/they/the Mahin said to him, “I bought a book for you. I would like to present this book on your birthday.” Mahin said to him that he had bought a book for him and he would like to present it on his birth day.
ð    Use of here and There:
1.    Here: Here mvavibZ A_© Abyhvqx wewfbœ Phrase Gi i“cvš—wiZ nq| He said to me, “You may stay here” He said to me that I might stay with him.
2.    Here: Direct Speech G †h ¯’v‡bi D‡j­L Kiv nq Zv ¯úóZ: eySv‡M‡j here cwiewZ©Z n‡q there nq| X said to Y, “I shall meet you here at Motijil.” X said to Y that he (X) would meet him (Y) there at Motijil.
ð    N.B. It: Indirect Speech G It AcwiewZ©Z _v‡K| He said, “I shall do it.” He said that he would do it.
ð    Good-bye: “Direct Narration- G Good – bye _vK‡j ZLb Structure wU n‡e wbgœiƒc:
ð    Structure: Sub. of Reporting Verb + bid/bade  + object + good-bye. He said, “Good-bye my friends.” He bade his friends good-bye.
ð    Thank You: Direct Speech- G Thank You _vK‡j Indirect Speech G Structure wU n‡e wbgœi“c:
å    Structure: Sub. of Reporting verb + wish/wished + object + good morning/evening/night. I said to him, “Good morning.” I wished him good morning.
ð    Proper Noun: Direct Speech G Speaker Ges listener `yÕRbB Proper Noun n‡j Indirect Kivi mgq Proper Pronoun Gi cv‡k eªv‡K‡Ui g‡a¨ D³ pronoun wU †h e¨w³i cwi‡Z© e‡m‡Q †m e¨w³i bv‡gi cÖ_g A¶i wjL‡Z nq| Rahim said to Karim, “I have taken you pen.” Rahim said to Karim that he (R) had taken his (R) pen.
ð    Silent Speaker: Direct Narration- G Reporting verb I Zvi Subject Ges obj. hw` D‡j­L bv _v‡K Zvn‡j The speaker said to the person spoken to wj‡L Indirect Narration G cwieZ©b Ki‡Z nq| “I shall go home tomorrow.” The speaker said to the person spoken to that he (S) would go home the next day.
ð    Use of “Say” and “Tell” according to Reporting verb:
       Reporting verb wn‡m‡e “say” Direct Ges Indirect Dfq Narration GB e¨eüZ nq| Z‡e Indirect Narration G say e¨envi bv KivB DËg| Reporting verb wnm‡e “tell” mvavibZ: Direct Narration- G e¨eüZ nqbv| “tell” Gi ci Aek¨B GKwU Indirect (e¨w³evPK) object emv‡Z nq| “say” Gi ci hw` object emv‡Z nq Z‡e object Gi c~‡e© “to” e‡m| “tell” Gi ci “to” e¨eüZ nqbv|
ð    Wish, would, rather, sooner, it is time Gi ci Unreal Past Tense AcwiewZ©Z _v‡K| Titu said, “It is time we went home.” Titu said that it was time they went home. The boy said, “I wish I sang.” The boy said that he wished he sang.
ð    Might, ought to, should, would, used to, had better Indirect Narration- G AcwiewZ©Z _v‡K| I said to him that he might go. I said to him, “You might go.” He said to me, “You had better go.” He said to me that I had better go.
ð    Might: Aby‡iva/Request eySv‡j Indirect Narration- G might cwiewZ©Z nq| He said to her, “You must post the letter for me.” [request] He asked her to post the letter.
ð    Could: Indirect Narration- G could AcwiewZ©Z _v‡K| He said, “I could do it tomorrow. “He said that he could do it the next day.
ð    You ought to/should/must, Øviv Dc‡`k eySv‡j Indirect- G Structure wU n‡e|
å    Structure: Sub. + advise + obj. + infinitive + Reposted Speech- Gi Verb †_‡K †kl ch©š—|
       The Headmaster said to the students, “You ought to/should/must pay attention to my lecture.” The H.M. advised the students to pay attention to his lecture.
ð    If I were you, I should/would------------ “Øviv Dc‡`k eySv‡j Indirect Kivi mgq Structure wU n‡e:
å    Structure: Sub. + advise + obj. + to + reported speech- Gi Verb e‡m| I said to him,” If I were you, I should wait.” I advised him to wait.
ð    N.B. Sub. Ges Obj. hw` GKB ¯’v‡b Ae¯’vb K‡i Ges Speech GKB w`‡b GKB ¯’v‡b ejv Ges D³ nq Z‡e changeable k‡ãi †Kvb cwieZ©b nqbv| Five minutes ago he said, “My brother is coming home today.” Five minutes age he said that his brother was coming home today.
ð    Indirect Narration- G Inverted comma (“_”) DwV‡q that emv‡Z nq| Z‡e †Kvb †Kvb ‡¶‡Î GB Conjunction/linker ev` †`qv nq| Z‡e †jLvB DËg| “I am writing a letter,” said Mr. X. Mr. X. said he was writing a letter. Mr. X. said that he was writing a letter.

ðThree features of Direct Speech:
(a)   Direct Speech wU †jLvi mgq Inverted Comma Gi g‡a¨ _v‡K| Aek¨ Dialogue- G cÖvqB _v‡Kbv Inverted Comma.
(b)   Reporting verb Gi ci GKwU comma e‡m| Aek¨ Dialogue G Reporting verb Ges comma- i cÖ‡qvRb nq bv|
(c)   Direct Speech Gi cÖ_g A¶iwU Capital letter nq| Mr. Smith said, “I am very busy.” M.S. said that he was very busy.
A   Assertive Sentence:
       Direct Speech hw` Assertive Sentence nq Zvn‡j Structure wU n‡e wbgœi“c:
å    Structure: Sub. + say/tell/said/told + obj. (hw` _v‡K) + that + Reported Speech Gi Sub. + verb + evKx Ask| Tomi said, “I am reading a book.” Tomi said that he was reading a book.
A   Interrogative Sentence:
1.    Interrogative Sentence G Direct Speech †K Indi. S. G i“cvš—wiZ Kivi mgq Reporting verb wU “ask,” “inquire of” “ want to know”, “ demand” “wonder” etc. ‡Z cwiewZ©Z nq|
2.    Reported Speech hw` WH word w`‡q ïi“ bv n‡q Auxiliary V. Øviv ïi“ nq Z‡e Reported Speech Gi c~‡e© that bv ewm‡q if/ whether emv‡Z nq|
3.    cÖ`Ë Sentence wU Interrogative Gi cwie‡Z© Assertive Sentence G i“cvš—wiZ Ki‡Z nq|
4.    Avi Sentence wU hw` Interrogative Ges Negative nq Zvn‡j Negative Sentence Gi cwieZ©b Ki‡Z nq|
å    Structure: Sub. + ask/inuire of/demand/want to know + obj. (hw` _v‡K) + if/whether + Reported Speech Gi Sub. + V. + evKx Ask| Nazmur said to his sister, “Will you go to college?” Nazmul asked his sister if she would go to college. The man said, “Where shall I be in 2008.” The man wondered where he would be in 2008. (Abygvb/Avðh© eySv‡j)|
5.    Reported Speech hw` WH word (who, whom, whose, what, which, why, where, How, etc) Øviv ïi“ nq Z‡e if/whether bv ewm‡q D³ kãwU wVK RvqvMvq †i‡L evK¨wU‡K Assertive Sentence G cwiYZ Ki‡Z n‡e|
å    Structure: Sub. + ask + Obj. + WH word Q. + Reported Speech Gi Sub. + V. left part. He said to me, “When will you come?” He asked me when I should go.
A   Imperative Sentence:
ð    Imperative Sentence: G Direct Speech †_‡K Indirect Speech G i“cvš—wiZ Kivi mgq Reporting verb wU Aby‡iva eySv‡j request, Av‡`k eySv‡j Order/Command, Dc‡`k eySv‡j advise, ¶gv eySv‡j beg, wb‡la eySv‡j warm/forbid, cÖv_©bv eySv‡j pray Ab¨_vq tell ev ask Øviv cwieZ©b Ki‡Z nq|
ð    Inverted comma DwV‡q to emv‡Z nq Ges Reported Speech Gi g~j V. †_‡K †k‡l ch©š— emv‡Z nq|
å    Structure: Sub. + request/order etc. + Obj. + to + V. + evKx Ask|  He said to me, “Go home,” He told/asked/ordered/advised me to go home.
ð    Imperative Sentence wU Neg. n‡j Reporting V. Gi c‡i Do (_vK‡j) D‡V not e‡m + to e‡m| Karim said to Rahim, “Do not waste your time.” Karim advised Rahim not to waste your time.” Karim advised Rahim not to waste his tiem. X said to Y, “Never tell a lie.”
ð    Vocative Case: Imperative Sentence wU Vocative Case n‡j Structure wU Abymib Ki‡Z n‡e A_ev V.C †K ev` w`‡Z n‡e|
å    Structure: Addressing + R.V. Gi Obj hw` _v‡K + as + Vocative + R.V. Gi Sub. + R.V. + to + Reported Speech main V. †_‡K †kl ch©š—| He said to them, “Friends, help me, “Addressing them as friends, he requested them to help him. or He said to them to help him.
ð    Imperative Sentence Gi Direct Speech G “Sir” _vK‡j Indirect Speech G “Sir” Gi cwie‡Z© respectfully/with respect/with due respect e¨envi Ki‡Z nq| The boy said to the teacher, “Sir, lend me your book please.” The boy requested the teacher respectfully/with respect to lend him (b) his (t) book.
ð    use of let: let Gi c‡i us _vK‡j Ges cÖ¯—ve eySv‡j Indirect Narration Kivi mgq structure wU n‡e wbgœi“c:
å    Structure: Sub. + propose/proposed + that + they/we + should + Reported Speech Gi main V. †_‡K †kl ch©š—| Or Structure: Sub. + propose/suggest + Obj. + gerund (Reported Speech Gi main V. Gi mv‡_ ing) + evKx Ask| He said to me, “let us go out for shopping.” He proposed me that we should go out for shopping. We said to the Member, “let us drop the matter.” we proposed to the Member dropping the matter. I said to him, “let us play.” I suggested him playing.
ð    Let: wKš‘ let Øviv hw` cÖ¯—ve bv eySvq ZLb structure wU n‡e wbgœi“c:
å    Structure: Sub. + cÖ`Ë Reporting Verb + obj. (hw` _v‡K) + that + Reported Speech Gi Sub. + may/might/might be allowed + Reported Speech Gi main V. †_‡K †kl ch©š—| He said to me, “let me come in. “let me come in.” He requested me that he might be allowed to come in. Karim said to me, “let him say whatever he likes. Karim told me that he might say whatever he liked. Kamal says, “let him say whatever he likes.” Kamal says that he may say whatever he likes. [might be allowed + to.ZvQvov A_©vbymv‡i evK¨wU Ab¨ †Kvb V.  Gi cwiewZ©Z nq| He said, “let me fly the kite,” He wished (or, wanted) to fly the kite. The judge said, “let the prisoner be whipped.” The judge ordered the prisoner to be whipped.
A   Optative Sentence:
       Optative Sentence- Gi Direct Speech †K Indi.S Gi i“cvš—wiZ Kivi mgq structure wU n‡e wbgœi“c:
å    Structure: Sub. + wish/pray + that + Reported Speech Gi Sub. + may/might + man V. †_‡K †kl ch©š—| He said, “long lve the king.” He prayed that the king might live long. Brother said to me, “May you pass the Exam.” Brother prayed that I might pass the Exam. K. said to R., “May you be happy.” K. wished that R. might be happy. The boy said, “could I but go there. “He expressed a wish/desire that he could but (=only) go there.
A   Exclamatory Sentence:
ð    Direct Speech Gi said Gi cwie‡Z© Indirect Speech Gi wbgœi“c k㸇jv em‡e|
å    Avb›`/myL ----------------- Exclaim with joy/delight.
å    `ytL  ----------------- Exclaim with sorrow/grief/sorrowfully/cry out in sorrow.
å    we¯§q  ----------------- Exclaim with surprise.
å    Kvgbv  ----------------- Strongly wish/desire. (cry out/shouted)
å    ï‡f”Qv/mycÖfvZ  ----------------- wish.
å    cÖwZÁv  ----------------- swear.
å    we`vq  ----------------- bid/bade.
ð    Exclamatory Sentence-Gi Direct Speech †K Indi.S. G cwiYZ Kivi mgq Structure wU n‡e wbgœi“c:
å    Structure: Sub. + exclaim with/exclaimed joy/sorrow/grief etc. + that + Reported Speech Sub. + cÖ`Ë V. Gi Past form + very/great + adjective + evKx Ask hw` _v‡K| The Captain said, “Hurrah! Our team has won.” The captain explained with joy that their team had won. He said, “Alas! I am undone.” He cried out in sorrow that he was undone. He said, “By God, I shall do it.” He swore by God that he should do it. K. said, “Good morning to you all.” K. wished them all good morning. The man said, “Were I a king.” The man strongly wished that he were a king.
ð    N.B. Reported Speech How/what Øviv ïi“ n‡j Ges †Kvb wKQzi AvwaK¨ cÖKvk Kiv eySv‡j Indirect Narration Kivi mgq How/What Gi cwie‡Z© very/much / great / very much/greatly e¨envi Ki‡Z nq| Avi wish/bid/bade Gi ci that bv e‡m mivmwi object e‡m| He said, “How beautiful the bird it is!” He exclaimed with surprise/joy that it was very beautiful bird. He said, “What a fool I am!” He exclaimed with grief that he was a great fool. He said to me, “Good-bye,” He bade me good-bye.
ð    Mixed type of sentence:
       Direct Speech G cÖ‡kœi Dˇi A‡bK mgq m¤ú~Y© Sentence bv e‡j msw¶ß AvKv‡i ejv nq| wKš‘ Indirect Speech G msw¶ß DËiwU c~‡e©i Speech Gi mv‡_ m½wZ †i‡L m¤ú~Y©i“‡c wjL‡Z nq| K. said to A. “Where are you going? “A. said, “Chittagong.” K. asked A. Where he (A.) was going. A. replied that he was going to Chittagong.
ð    Rules of passage narration:
1.    mg¯— Passage wU cÖ_‡g c‡o Speaker (e³v) Person spoken to (‡kªvZv) Ges Sentence ¸‡jvi mood (wµqvi aib) mbv³ K‡i wb‡Z n‡e|
2.    Reporting V. wU gv‡S ev †k‡l _vK‡j I Indirect Kivi mgq Zv‡K Sentence Gi ïi“‡Z wb‡q Avm‡Z n‡e| “You look a little bit like my mother,” Jerry said to the authoress, “Especially in the dark by the fire.” Jerry told the authoress that she looked a little bit like his mother especially in the dark by the fire.
3.    ‡Kvb e³vi ci ci GKvwaK Dw³ (speech) _vK‡j 2q ev ZvicieZx© Dw³ ¸‡jvi †¶‡Î and, add (s), added, further added, also said, again said etc. e¨envi Ki‡Z nq| wKš‘ `yÕwU Interrogative ci ci _vK‡j wØZxqwUi †¶‡Î again/also asked He said, “I can chop some wood today. I shall come again tomorrow.” He said that he could chop some wood that day. He added that he would come again the next day.
4.    Reported Speech G “Yes” or “No” _vK‡j Indirect Kivi mgq h_vµ‡g replied in the affirmative that Ges replied in the negative that e¨envi Ki‡Z nq| Or Sub. + c~‡e©i cÖkœ ev‡K¨i m‡½ m½wZc~Y© appropriate auxiliary V. emv‡Z nq| K. said to R, “Are you going to Dhaka tomorrow?” “No, I have changed my decision,” said R. Karim asked Rahim if he was going to Dhaka the next day. R. replied in the negative that he had changed his decision. Or, K. asked R. if he was going to Dhaka the next day. R. replied in the negative that he had changed his decision. Or, K. asked R. if he was going to Dhaka the next day. R. replied that he was not. He added that he had changed his decision.
5.    Direct Speech G by Allah, by Jove, by God, by my life etc. _vK‡j Swearing by Allah/Jove/God etc e¨envi Ki‡Z nq| “By Allah”, he replied, “I will not leave this house.” Swearing by Allah, he replied that he would not leave that house.
6.    Inverted Comma- Gi evB‡i †Kvb phrase ev clause _vK‡j Zv AcwiewZ©Z Ae¯’vq ïi“‡Z e‡m| G‡¶‡Î Present Participle hy³ Ask _vK‡j Zv ïi“‡Z †jLvB DËg| “Are you brothers?” asked the mistress of the house, turning to the dervishes. Turning to the dervishes, the mistress of the house asked if they were brothers.
7.    Direct Speech- G Assertive Sentence – Gi †k‡l cÖkœ‡evaK wPý _vK‡j Indirect Kivi mgq Reporting v. Gi c~‡e©  Being surprised wjL‡Z nq Ges Reporting v. wU‡K ask/asked w`‡q cwieZ©b Ki‡Z nq| She said to me, “You have remembered how she had looked all these yours?” Being surprised, she asked me if I had remembered how she had looked all those yours.
8.    Sentence- Gi cÖ_‡g Pronoun Ges c‡i Noun _vK‡j Pronoun Gi cwie‡Z© Noun †jLvB †kªq/DËg|
Md. Khaled Saifulla
B.A. (Hons.) M.A. in English
(Language & Literature)
Jagannath University, Dhaka.
Mobile: 01911171864.

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