Learning English, Literature, Linguistics: Several Verbs and their classifications

Friday, 9 December 2011

Several Verbs and their classifications

                Several Verbs and their classifications

(1)    Finite verb: (mgvwcKv wÎqv) †h  verb ‡Kvb  sentence Gi e³e¨ mgvß K‡i Ges D³  sentence Gi subject (Nominative) I Number Abyhvqx hvi i“c wbk©xZ nq Zv‡K   Finite verb e‡j| As. Rahim + sings +a song.
(2)    Non-Finite verb : ‡h verb Øviv sentence Gi e³e¨ †k‡l nqbv Ges †Kvb   subject (Nominative ) Gi person I number Abyhvqx Øviv hvi i“c wbg©xZ nq bv Zv‡K  non-finite verb (AmgvwcKv wµqv) e‡j As: Karim +likes+to sing+a song.
(i)              (1) Prinicipal verb: (cÖavb wµqv ) †h verb Ab¨ †Kvb  verb Gi mvnvh¨ e¨ZxZ ¯^vaxbfv‡e m¤ú~Y© A_© cÖKvk Ki‡Z cv‡i Zv‡K  Principal verb e‡j|You read in class x, Play, walk, go.
(ii)           (2) Auxiliary verb/helping verb: (mvnvh¨Kvix wµqv): †h mg¯—  verb Gi wbR¯^ †Kvb A_© †bB Ges wewfbœ cÖKvi  sentence, tense, voice ev mood Gi wewfbœ i“c MV‡bi Rb¨  Principal verb ‡K mvnvh¨ K‡i Zv‡K  Auxiliary verb e‡j| He has eaten rice, am, is, are, was, being, have=Have, has had, having, Do=do, does, did, to be verb= am,is , are, was, were, being, been.
·        Other auxiliary verb: shall, should, will, would, may, night, can, could, must, ought to, need, done, used to, (modal verbs or modals).
·        Principal verb `yÕ cÖKvi:
·        (1) Transitive verb: (mKg©K wµqv): Pvi cÖKvi : †h  verb GKvKx  sentence Gi A_© cÖKvk Ki‡Z cv‡ibv, A_©‡K m¤ú~Y© Ki‡Z n‡i Ab¨ †Kvb word Gi mvnvh¨ MÖnY Ki‡Z nq, Zv‡K  Transitive verb e‡j| I drink +tea, The eats rice, (learn, promise, hope, refuse, remimber)
·        ‡h mg¯— Transitive verb Gi c‡i Infinitive e‡m object Gi KvR K‡i Zv‡`i K‡qKwU kã wbb¥i“c:  begin, continue, hope, mtend, learn, neglect, offer, plan, promise, refuse, remember, try etc.
(iii)        (2) ‡h verb Ab¨ †Kvb   Word Gi mvnvh¨ e¨ZxZ A_©vr object MÖnY bv K‡i A_©‡K m¤úbœ Ki‡Z cv‡i Zv‡K  Intransitive verb e‡j| The boy sleeps, The girl sings binds fly.
·        Some important Intransitive verb:
(a)    Verbs of movement or direction: come, go, jump, boil, fly, get up, dance float swim, shall, play, rise, move, travel.
(b)    Verbs of sound: cry, bleat, bank, laugh, neigh, howt, turrmpet, shout, room, whistle, twitter, sob, scseam.
(c)    Verb of Rest or position : arrive, live, hi , sleep, breath , stop, stay sit, stand, squal, rest.
·        Other Intransitive verb: Ilitter, fade, fail, break, close, drop, die, drosn disappear happen sink, sparkle, smoke swender. open not.
(vii) (1) Causitive verb: ‡h verb Gi subject wb‡R mivmwi KvR K‡ibv eis Aci‡K w`‡q KvR m¤úbœ Kivq Zv‡K causitive verb e‡j| I ou fly a kite. (show, feed. inform, Remind, Raise, teach, Drench, Fell, suckle, lay, dip, set)
(viii) (2) copulative verb: hLb †Kvb Intransitive verb AwZwi³ word Gi mvnvh¨ Qvov  sentence G A_© m¤ú~Y© Ki‡Z cv‡ibv, ZLb Zv‡K  copulative verb e‡j| The flowen is = The flowen is +beautiful, You look=you look+beautifull.
(ix) (3) factitive verb : ‡Kvb Transitive verb hLb object _vKv m‡Ë¡I AwZwi³ word  Gi mvnvh¨ Qvov A_© m¤ú~Y© Ki‡Z cv‡i bv, ZLb Zv‡K  Transitive verb of Incomplet, predication ev factitive verb e‡j|  We dected him = we elected. him captain . (make, call, appoint, select, nominate, name, think etc, used as .
(x) (4) Group verb: ‡h mKj  Intransitive verb Gi c~‡e© ev c‡i Prepositin hy³ n‡q  Iransitive nq Ges Zv‡`i A‡_©i cwieZ©b nq, Zv‡`i‡K  Group verb e‡j ev  Preposition a verbs e‡j| I. v. He runs fast (‡`Šovq) I. v. don’t run after money , He laughs (nv‡m) I.v. Do not laugh at the poor . I .v. take the pen (jIqv) The private can overtook the bus. (AwZµg Kij)
(xi) (5) Reciprocal verb : ‡h Transitive verb sentence Gi subject Ges object Gi g‡a¨ cwi¤úwiK wµqvI cÖwZwµqvi A_© cÖKvk K‡i Zv‡K Reciprocal verb e‡j| They help one anothe , note: Hate hove, quansal stike, fight, etc. Reciprocal verb.
(xii) (6) Reflexive verb: Transitive verb Gi subject Ges object hw` GKB e¨w³ ev e¯‘ eySvq ZLb Zv‡K  Reflexive verb e‡j| Reflexive verb Gi object i“‡c Reflexive Pronoun e¨eüZ nq| He fans himself.
·        Not: kill, throw, hunt, absent, avail, conduct, fan, pride, enjoy etc. Reflexive verb.
(xiii) (7) Impersonal verb : hLb It ‡Kvb verb Gi subject wnmv‡e e¨eüZ nq, ZLb Zv‡K  Impersonal verb e‡j| it has been raining since morning, it dews in winter. It rains.
(xiv) (8) quasi-passive verb: ‡h verb, active voice G †_‡KI  passive voice Gi KvR K‡i , Zv‡K  quasi passive verb e‡j| The book reads well. Mango testes sweet . Rice sells cheap. The pen writes well.
(xv) (9) cognate verb: Intransitive verb hLb GKB A_©‡evaK (Zvi mgRvZxq noun ‡K object ‡K MÖnY K‡i  Transitive i“‡c e¨eüZ nq ZLb Zv‡K  cognate verb e‡j| He ran a race. He dieant a good dream. He lied a puse life.
(xvi) (10) Defective verb: ‡h mKi  verb tense ev  mood BZ¨vw`‡Z e¨eüZ nqbv, Zvnv w`M‡K Defective verb e‡j| h_v: can, may, must etc, He must help me. He can do this.
(xvii) (11) linking verb: (ms‡hvMKvixwµqv): †h verb subject I ev‡K¨i cieZ©x Ask‡K mshy³ K‡i Ges GKB e¨w³ ev e¯‘‡K eySvq Zv‡K  linking verb e‡j|
·        g~jZ: Be verb ¸‡jv (can, is, are, was, were, linking verb.
·        AviI wKQz  verb ‡hgb: look, become, seen, appear, prove, taste BZ¨vw` I  linking verb i“‡c Mb¨|
·        Note : GB verb Gi c‡i me©`v  noun ev  adjective e‡m Ges G‡`i‡K  complements e‡j| Iqbal is a doctor. Rahim is a clever. They are friends. He looks happy. You seem tised honey tastes sweets.

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