Learning English, Literature, Linguistics: Models of Teacher Education (The craft model)

Monday, 12 December 2011

Models of Teacher Education (The craft model)

Models of Teacher Education (The craft model)

The craft model
       The craft model is based on the belief that the wisdom of the profession resides in an experienced professional practitioner. Here the experience professional practitioner indicates a person expert in the practice of the ‘craft’. In this model, a young trainee learns by imitating the expert’s techniques and by following the expert’s instructions and advice. In this manner, expertise in the craft is passed on from person to person and generation to generation. The craft model may be represented as follows:

The craft model of professional education

The craft model is found to have limitations. This technique of teacher education is basically conservative and depends on an essentially static society. Such a model can hardly cope with the changes in and the challenges of the current dynamic society which has an educational context of new methodologies, syllabuses, materials and equipment.

       Notwithstanding, the craft model cannot be dismissed out of hand. It can at least partially fulfill the demands of a trainee as the trainee can develop his/her skills to a substantial extent by seeking advice from an experienced professional.

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