Learning English, Literature, Linguistics: Present Tenses

Friday, 9 December 2011

Present Tenses

                                           Present Tenses

 Present indefinite tense : †h tense  indefinite tense Øviv eZ©gv‡b †Kvb KvR Kiv, Af¨vm wP, ev nIqv eySvq Zv‡K indefinite tense e‡j|
·        evsjvi wPwbevi Dcvq: evsjvq wµqvi †k‡l B, A, G,  etc wPý ev Kwi, Kvi, Kwik, K‡i, K‡ib, hvq, hvI, hvb hvm, co, c‡o c‡ob, cwom, Nygvq, NygvI , Nygvb, BZ¨vw` _v‡K| †m hvq Nygvq.
·        structure : sub+ g~j verb Gi present form +object +left pait.
·        Note : sub. hw` third Person singular Number nq Zvn‡j g~j verb Gi †k‡l s ev es ‡hvM nq| †h mKj verb Gi †k‡l  ss, sh, ch, x Ges o _v‡K Zv‡`i †k‡l  es ‡hvM Ki‡Z nq| establish oppress, discuss, pass, cross, go, do, teach, touch, confess, kiss, express.
·        Use of present Indefinite : Uninessal truth (wPimZ¨)eySv‡Z: The sun rises in the east.
(1)   Habit  (Af¨vm)eySv‡Z : He goes to bed at ten o’clock everyday.
(2)   Never Future : (A`yi fwel¨Z) eySvB‡j A‡bK mgq Present indefinite tense e¨eüZ nq|  He joinss his office to day / in the next month.
(3)   often usually, sometimes, always, occasionally, on fridays, twice, everyday, everyweek . BZ¨vw` kã ev phrases Gi mv‡_  Muslims to to mosque on Fridays.
(4)   A‡bK mgq AZxZ Kv‡ji NUbv Rxeš— K‡i eY©bv Kivi Rb¨  p.i. Gi cwie‡Z©  Pres. I. T. nq| Akbar corquess  gujrat.
(5)   ‡Kvb e³v ev †jL‡Ki Dw³ DׄZ Ki‡Z :  Shakespease  says, life is a tale to ld byon idiot.
(6)   Newspaper Gi Headline G (wk‡ivbvg) e¨eüZ nq|
(7)   Condition sentence G e¨eüZ nq :  If he wants, I ll help him. Unless you read seriously, you will not do will.
(8)   hw` subordinate clause untill , as soon as, when, before BZ¨vw` conjunction. Øviv ïi“ nq Ges Zv hw` fwel¨Z Kv‡ii A_© cÖ`vb K‡i Z‡e  Principal clause Gi verb fwel¨ZKv‡ji n‡jI  Present indefinite tense e¨eüZ nq| I shall wait untill you come back. As soon as the rain stops, we shall stant, playing.
(9)   See heas, believe, love, fear, want, resemble, live, know, undesstand, like, hope, contain, cossist wish, fet, seen, taste, assume, lik, etc, verb Gi present continuous bv n‡q present indefinite tense nq| I see a bird (not I am seeing a bind. I want a book. (not I am wanting a book)
·        N.B. Present  indefinite tense Gi ev‡K¨ hw`(?) wPý _v‡K Zvn‡j mvnvh¨Kvix Do ev  Does, sub. Gi c~‡e© em‡e| 3rd  person singular number G Does Avi evKx me mgq  do n‡e| Does he play football? Do you like vegetable?
·        Avi evK¨wU hw` bv‡evaK nq Zvn‡j  sub. Gi c‡i  do not ev does not emv‡Z n‡e| 3nrd person singular number Gi does not Avi evKx me mgq  do not n‡e| He does not go to school regularly. I do not like a lian.
·        Extension: ‡Kv_vq, KLb, †Kb, wKfv‡e, BZ¨vw` Øviv cÖkœ Ki‡j †h DËi cvIqv hvq Zv‡K Extension e‡j| He plays football in the morning/m the field/ forgood he at the .
(2) Present continuous tense: ‡h tense Øviv eZ©gv‡b †Kvb KvR Pj‡Q ev NU‡Q Gi“c eySvq Zv‡K  Present tense e‡j| Avwg GKwU eB cowQ|
·        evsjvq wPwbevi Dcvq: evsjv wµqvi †k‡l †ZQ,†ZwQ, †Z‡Q, †Z‡Qb, PQ, †PQ, †”Qb, Q, wQ, †Qb G‡`i †h †Kvb GKwU †hvM _v‡K | †m dzUej †Lwj‡Z‡Q|
·        structure : sub.+am/is/are+ g~j v. Gi present form Gi mv‡_  ing ‡hvM +object +extension. He eating rice in the hotel.
·        Frist person – I =am, we=one second person you = are Third person He, She, it, anyone =is. phural –They=are . He is eating rice.
·        Use of present continuous tense: (i) wbKU fwel¨‡Zi KvR eySv‡Z  He is comming back boon. come, go, Gi †¶‡Î (soon, This year, tomorrow) mgq D‡j­L bv Ki‡j I P‡j| I am learning tomorrow. (to day, this season)
(2) ‡Kvb KvR c~‡e© ïi“ n‡q eZ©gvb Kv‡jI wKQz mgq Pjv eySv‡Z :  Rahim is working for examination.
(3) weiw³ ev A¯^w¯— eySv‡Z cÖvq cyb : cyb : NU‡Q Ggb †Kvb Kv‡Ri †¶‡Î  always Ges continuous Gi mv‡_: The studesnts is always distubing the class  (not all the time)
(4) cwieZ©bkxj Ae¯’v (changnig  situation) eySv‡Z:  the population of Bangladeshi is increasing reapidly.
(5) i³vi ejvi mgq †Kvb KvR Pj‡Q wVK ejvi g~û‡Z© bq  (not at the time of speaking ) eySv‡Z: I amd reading hamlet of shakespeare.
(6) B`vwbs KvRwU n‡”Q Gi“c eySv‡j:  I am reading in this school. I am working in the nearby factory.
·        Present perfect tense: (cyivNwUZ eZ©gvb Kvj)
·        Definition : ‡Kvb KvR GB gvÎ †kl n‡q‡Q wKš‘ Zvi djvdj GLbI eZ©gvb Av‡Q Gi“c A_© cÖKvk Ki‡j Zv‡K  perfect tense e‡j| It has rained.
·        evsjvq wPwbevi Dcvq : KwiqvQ K‡iwQ, K‡iwQj, K‡iQ, Kwiqv‡Q, K‡i‡Q, Kwiqv‡Qb K‡i‡Qb| hvQ, AvwQ, qv‡Q, †q‡Qb, †qQ, †qwQ, †q‡Qb †q‡Q G‡`i †h‡Kvb GKwU + _v‡K|
·        N.B. Kwiwb/KwibvB LvBwb/ LvB bvB etc. eySv‡j P.P.T. nq : Avwg fvZ LvBwb/ LvBqwQ|  
·        structure : sub.+have/has+v.(p.p) +extension . I have done the work.  N.B. He, she, it, another 3rd person singular number=has. I,we, you, They I plural sub. Gi c‡i = have, He has eaten rice. They have eaten rice.
·        Use of Present perfect tense:
(1)    ev‡K¨  Just, Just now, already, yet, never, ever, lately, recently etc, adverb Ges sotar, up to now, up to the present BZ¨vw`  adverb phiase _vK‡j  p.p.t nq| Have you ever been to cox’s bazar. so far has done well. (of ten, today)
(2)    AZxZ NUbvi dj GLb I eZ©gvb Av‡P eySv‡Z:  Moulana Bhashani has done a lot for our country.
(3)    AZx‡Z A‡bK mgq a‡i †Kvb KvR n‡q‡Q Ges GLb I Zv (mg‡qi mgvwß) AZxZ nqwb Gi“c eySv‡Z:  They have lived in hondon for ten years, I have been ill since friday last, He has been absent for seven days.
(4)    Principal clause G Future Indefinite _vK‡j Ges  Sub ordinate cluse when, befor after as soon, as, BZ¨vw`i Øviv m~wQZ n‡j IB  subordinate clause G Future perfect tense (A‡_¨) cÖKvk Ki‡Z Present perfect tense e¨eüZ nq| Go to bad when / agter you have done your home work, I will not have this house until I have heand the stories of my companions (=shall have heand)
(5)    AZx‡Z †Kvb KvR msNwUZ n‡q‡Q Ges Zv eZ©gv‡b NU‡Z cv‡i Ggb eySv‡Z:   I have seen we lives in that forest . Its meaning (it is still possiublet . see whoes in the foreot).
(6)    Af¨vmMZ Kg© (habitural action) eySv‡Z: They have asways answered my letter,
(7)    ‡`wLbvB fvwebvB , BZ¨vw`  Negative form, verb Gi Bs‡iRx Abymv‡i  present perfect tense e¨eüZ nq|  have never visited the z00(Avwg KLb I wPwoqvLvbv †`wL bvB) 
·        N.B: Point of time = since, period / space of time=for sicne Øviv m~wPZ  pharase ev clause wUi c~e©Mvgx  clause Gi verb Gi perfect I n‡e. simple present i“c n‡e bv|   He has beenill since satmday last (not He is ill since salusday last )
·        Different between last and the last : point of time = last period of time= the last. I have been here since last week. I have been here for the last week.
·        Ever Gi cwie‡Z©  The frist the second, The only e¨envi Kiv hvq| This is the frist time I have seen a lion, This is the only book he has bought.
Present perfect continuous
·        Definition : ‡h tense Øviv †Kvb KvR c~‡e© ïi“ n‡q eZ©gv‡b Pj‡Z‡Q eySvq Zv‡K  p.p.c.y e‡j| They have been playing football for two hous.
·        Evsjvq wPwbevi Dcvq : evsjv wµqvi †k‡l B‡ZQ, B‡Z‡Q, B‡Z‡Qb, B‡ZwQj, B‡ZwQ, BZ¨vw`I †h †Kvb GKwUi wPý _v‡K Ges Zvi mv‡_ GKwU mg‡qi D‡j­L _v‡K| structure : sub.+have/has +been. +v. ing+obj.+since +point of time s. +have/ has been +v. ing.+obj+for+period of time.It has been raining since
·        Have they reading for two hours. They have not been reading for . 2.h. I am reading a book . I am not reading, Am I reading a book? Am I not reading a book, Have I not done the work ? Have not I done the work?
·        Have I not been reading Have not I been reading for two fours.

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