Learning English, Literature, Linguistics: Past Tenses:

Friday, 9 December 2011

Past Tenses:

                                                  Past  Tenses:
·        Definition : ‡h tense Øviv AZx‡Z †Kvb KvR n‡qwQj ev N‡UwQj wKš‘ eZ©gv‡b Zvi dj we`¨gvb †bB Gi“c cÖKvk cvq Zv‡K  Past indefinite tense e‡j|I did it .
·        evsjvq wPwbevi Dcvq: evsjv wµqvi †k‡l wQj, wQ‡j, wQ‡jb, wQjvg j, jvg, †j †jb, Z,Zvg, †Z, †Zb, G‡`i †h †Kvb GKwU †hvM _v‡K| ‡hgb: K‡iwQj K‡iwQjvg cwoZ, cwo‡Zb
·        structure : sub.+ g~j v. Gi past form +extension / obj. I went to college, yes to .
·        N.B hLb p.I.Y hy³ †Kvb sentense G g~j verb _v‡Kbv ZLb was/were /had gyj verb wnmv‡e e¨eüZ nq| KZ©v wb‡R †Kv_vI Dcw¯’ _vKv ev bv _vKv eySv‡j KZ©vi c‡i  was/were e‡m Avi KZ©vi Aax‡b †Kvb wRwbm wQj ev bv wQj eySv‡Z g~j v. wnmv‡e KZ©vi c‡i  had e‡m|I was absent in the meeting yesterday. He had a pen.
·        Past indefinite tense Gi e¨envi:
(1) AZxZKv‡ji w`b ZvwiL ev mg‡qi D‡j­L _vK‡j I met him yesterday
(2)Long ago, long since hy³ sentence G: I met him long age. I met him long since.
(3) AZxZ Kv‡ji †Kvb Af¨vmMZ Kg© eySv‡j :- I always earried an umbrella.
·        AZxZ Kv‡ji †Kvb wbqwgZ Af¨vm eySv‡j used to Ges AwbqwgZ Af¨vm eySv‡j  would e¨eüZ nq|He used to teach me English . I would meet him often. or He taught me .
(1)      Webq, f`ªZv ev Aby‡gv`b cÖKvk Ki‡Z  Present / Future tense Gi cwie‡Z© would (will Gi Past form) you lend me some money. Please ? Could you tell me the time please?
(2)      mg‡qi D‡j­L bv _vKv m‡Ë¡ I †Kvb GKwU wbw`©ó mg‡q †Kvb KvR m¤úbœ nIqv eySv‡j  The train was ten minutes late. 
(6)Unreal past  Gi †¶‡Î : as it, as though, it is time, it is high time, it only, wish, would sooner, would rather Gi ci: I wish I sang. It is high time we left the place.
(7) Since Gi cÖ_g Ask Present Indefinite ev present perfect tense Gi n‡j c‡ii Ask past indefinite nq| It is many years since I came here
· Avevi †Kv‡li Ask Past perfect tense n‡j cÖ_g Ask  past indefinite nq|  It was
long since I had seen has last.
·        Past continuous tense : (NUgvb AZxZ Kvj)
·        Definition : ‡h tense Øviv AZxZKv‡j †Kvb KvR PjwQj ev nw”Qj Gi“c eySv‡j (†k‡l nq bvB) Zv‡K  past continuous tense e‡j| I was eating rice.
·        evsjvq wPwbevi Dcvvq: evsjv wµqvi †k‡l †ZwQjvg, †ZwQj, †ZwQ‡jb, †ZwQ‡j w”Qj, wQ‡j, w”Q‡jb, w”Qjvg, wQj, wQ‡i wQ‡jb wQjvg G‡`i ‡h †Kvb GKwU + _v‡K
·        structure : sub.+was/were+v.(ing)+obj./extension
·        N.B.we.you,They=were, he, she, it I =was, I was reading a book.
·        Use of past continuous tense:
(1)   AZxZKv‡i GKwU `xN© KvR wKQz mgh a‡i PjwQj eySv‡Z :  : It was raining all the night. He was writing letters all afternoon. The boy was playing.
(2)   AZxZ GKwU KvR PjvKvjxb mg‡q Avi GKwU KvR m¤úvw`Z n‡qwQj Z‡e †h KvRwU Pj‡ZwQj †mwU eySv‡Z Past continuous tense nq Gis Ab¨wU  past indefinite tense nq| When he came to me, I was reading a novel.
(3)   AZxZKv‡ji `yÕwU KvR GKB mv‡_ Pi‡ZwQj eySv‡i Z‡e `yÕwUiB  Past continuous tense nq| I was reading a book while my sister was writing a letter.
·        Past perfect tense:
Definition : ‡h tense Øviv AZxZKv‡ji `yÕwU Kv‡Ri g‡a¨ †hwU A‡c¶vK…Z c~‡e© m¤ú~bœ n‡qwQj eySvq Zv‡K  past perfect tense e‡j| A P.I.T. nq|
·         evsjvq wPwbevi Dcvq: Past indefinite tense Gi evsjv i“‡ci gZ|
·        Structure : (a) sub.+had+v.(past part.) +obj. (b) sub.+v. (past)+obj. I had eaten rice before. I went to bed.
·        N.B. structure : After *** B+after +A.
·        Use of past perfect tense :
(1)   That Øviv AZxZKv‡ii `yÕwU Kvh©hy³ n‡j mvaviYZ : that Gi cieZ©x verb Gi Past perfect tense nq| Rahim said that he had done the work.
(2)   No sooner ----- than, scarcely---when, handly--- when (before) Øviv clause hy³ n‡j cÖ_g clause wU past perfect tense nq Ges wØZxq  clause wU past indefinite tense nq
·        structure : no sooner + had +sub.+v. (p.p)+obj.+than+sub.+v.(pas)+obj. No sooner +had +he+seen+the +police+than+he ram away.
(3)   `yÕwU AZxZKv‡ji KvR eySv‡i Ges GKwUi Av‡M when, untile once, now, that, as soon as BZ¨vw` conjunction _vK‡j Zvi  (conjunction) Gi c‡ii verb wUi  past perfect tense nq| Now that they had completed their work they staited for home. Assoon as he had seen me, he laughed aloud
(4)   AZx‡Zi `yÕwU KvR GKmv‡_ m¤úbœ n‡qwQj eySv‡i when Gi c‡i past perfect tense nq|when he had told us the story, we listened to him camefully,
·        wKš‘ AZx‡Zi `yÕwU Kv‡Ri GKwUi c‡i Av‡iKwU Ae¨eüZfv‡m msNwUZ n‡i `yÕwUB simple pas tense nq| When the teacher entered the class room, the students stood up.
(5)   AZx‡Zi `yÕwU Kv‡Ri g‡a¨ wØZxqwU ïi“ nIqvi c~‡e© cÖ_gwU n‡qwQj eySv‡Z  when Gi c‡i P.P.T. nq| when she had sung her son, she sat down.
(6)   Just+Gi mv‡_  P.P.T e¨eüZ nq hw` Ab¨  V. wUi  tense nq| P. indefinite tense. wher I came he had just+finished eating.
·        Past perfect continuous tense : (G tense wU evsjvq †bB)
·        Definition : AZxZKv‡ji msNwUZ `yÕwU Kv‡Ri g‡a¨ GKwU KvR †kl nIqvi c~‡e© Aci KvRwU `xN© mgq (wKQzKvj hveZ wbw`ó© mgq a‡i) Pj‡ZwQj eySv‡j verb Gi past perfect continuous tense nq Ges AciwU  past indefinite nq| I had been reading when he came . I had been writing before he came.
·        structure : sub.+had been +v. (ing). + evKx Ask|
·        evsjvq wPwbevi Dcvq:- Past continuous tense Gi evsjv i“‡ci gZ|
·        use of past perfect continuous tense:
(i)              G Tense e¨env‡ii mgq wZbwU wRwb‡mi cÖwZ‡Lqvj ivL‡Z n‡e|  (a) AZxZKv‡j `yÕwU KvRB n‡qwQj| (b) Zv‡`i g‡a¨ GKwU c~‡e© Ges AciwU c‡i n‡qwQj| Ges  (c) ‡hwU c~‡e© n‡qwQj|‡mwU `xN© mgq a‡i Pj‡ZwQj|  He had been reading in this school for two years before he left school.
(ii)           Past perfect tense Gi repeated action eySv‡Z: P.P. He had tied five times to get her on the phone. P.P.C. He had been trying to get her on the phone.

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