Learning English, Literature, Linguistics: Model Test Exam-7 Cloze Test without Clues:

Thursday 8 December 2011

Model Test Exam-7 Cloze Test without Clues:

Model Test Exam-7
Cloze Test without Clues:

1. Sports are a (a) ----------- form of entertainment. Many international sporting events are (b) ----------- from time to time. Most of these events are (c) ------ by multinational Manufacturing (d)  ---------- and business firms. They (e) ------- for the sports events in exchange for the right0 to (f) ---------- their products during  those events. These events are (g) -------- worldwide by satellite and people all over the world watch them (h) -----. As a result, the sponsors products (i) ------ maximum media (j) ------ thus giving companies international recognition.

2. The environment  (a) -------- various things. All the things of the environment are related to (b) --------- other. Any change in the ecosystem can (c) ------ all the other parts. To prevent the environment from destruction is the (d) -------- of human beings. The environment should be (e) ------ neat and clean to enjoy a healthy and comfortable  (f) ----------. But people are not  (g) ------- of the dangerous effect of the ecological change. They do unwise things and bring about dangers for their own (h) ------ . Imbalance in the ecology brings about Climate (i) ----------- and the result of the change is various natural  (j) --------.

3. World temperature is (a) ---------- day by day. Many people believe that the (b) ---------- amount of carbon dioxide is (c) ------- the increase of heat. The (d) -------- of forests and trees, smoke, burning of oils (e) ------ carbon gases. If this increase in world temperature  (f) --------- on unabated a time may come when the ice cap in the polar (g) -------- may start (h) ----------. this will cause the (i) -------  in the sea level. As a result of the sea level rise, the low-lying (j) ---------- areas like Bangladesh, Maldives, California will go under water by the midway through the next century.

4. Introverts and extroverts are particular types of (a) -------. Introverts are (b) -------- shy. They do not (c) --------- talking too much and starting a conversion. They are also not very (d) ---------- and prefer to  (e) ------ quiet. They are not outgoing in (f) -------- and feel more (g) --------- in following people instead of (h) ---- the lead. They can also be loners sometimes and prefer to be by themselves instead of being in the people’s (i) ------ . An extroverts is just the (j) -------.

5. Natural disaster (a) ------- throughout the world in recent years. The main reason behind this is greenhouse effect or (b) ----------- of the air (c) ---------- the earth. Global warming is melting the (d) ------- ice of polar regions and of the peaks of (e) --------- mountains. Consequently the (f) --------- of sea water has alarmingly increased. Cyclone and tidal bores  (g) ---------- inundating and destroying the coastal regions to a large extent. Climatologists (h) --------- that in the last 185 years 99 cyclones hit the coastal (i) -------- and off shore islands of our country causing irrecoverable loss (j) -------- life and properties.

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