Learning English, Literature, Linguistics: Some Important Techniques to solve Close Test

Friday 9 December 2011

Some Important Techniques to solve Close Test

Some Important Techniques to solve Close Test

1.    Present Indefinite Tense: Subject hw` 3rd Person Singular Number nq Zvn‡j P.V. Gi mv‡_ s/es n‡e| Z‡e ev‡K¨ P.V. Gi c~‡e© †Kvb Model V. _vK‡j s/es Gi cÖ‡qvRb †bB| Rahim (play) plays chess.
2.    Universal truth, Habitual fact: evK¨ hw` U.T, H.F etc. eySvq, Zvn‡j V. Gi Present Indefinite Tense nq| The earth (move) round the sun. The earth moves round the sun.
3.    Generally, usually, ordinarily, normally, always, sometimes, often, daily, everyday, occasionally, regularly etc. †Kvb ev‡K¨ hw` _v‡K Ges mg‡qi D‡j­L bv _v‡K Zvnv‡j V. Gi Present Indefinite Tense nq| Z‡e (Af¨vm eySv‡Z AZxZ) Past Indefinite Tense I n‡Z cv‡i| Karim learns his lessons regularly. Tito always (sit) sat in the first bench.
4.    Be verb: Be verb Gi c‡i gap _vK‡j am/is/are/was/were tense Abyhvqx n‡e|
       He (be)- is a good boy. There (be)- are no boys in the class.
5.    The: The Gi c‡i gap _vK‡j noun n‡e| He is the boy/man/person whom I know.
6.    Do, does, did: †h me Sentence G Auxiliary V. A_ev Auxiliary V. i“‡c e¨eüZ n‡Z cv‡i Ggb †Kvb V. _v‡K bv †m¸‡jvi Neg. I Interrogative Ki‡Z n‡j V. “To do” do, does, did Rahim not (go) to school. Rahim does not go to school.
7.    What, When, Where, Who, Why, How etc. WH- word †Kvb cÖkœ‡evavK ev‡K¨ _vK‡j Subject Gi c~‡e© Tense I Person Abyhvqx Auxiliary V. e‡m| Why Rahim (look) so gloomy? why does R. look so gloomy?
8.    Now, at present, at this moment: eZ©gv‡b †Kvb KvR Pj‡Q eySv‡j Present Continuous Tense The boys (watch) are watching the television now.
9.    Have/Has/Had: †Kvb ev‡K¨ hw` have/has/had _v‡K Zvn‡j eÜbxi V. Gi Past Participle nq| They have (go) to Netrakona. They have gone to Netrakona.
10.  Just, just now, already, recently, lately, ever, yet: BZ¨vw` †Kvb ev‡K¨ _vK‡j Present perfect Tense nq| Rahima (take) his dinner just now. Rahim has taken his dinner just now.
11.  Yesterday, last night, long ago, long since: BZ¨vw` AZxZ wb‡`©kK kã ev Phrase (k㸔Q) †Kvb ev‡K¨ _vK‡j Past Indefinite Tense nq| His brother (come) came home yesterday.
12.  Since: Since hy³ Sentence Gi cÖ_g Ask hw` Present Indefinite ev Present Perfect Tense nq Zvn‡j Since Gi c‡ii Ask hw` Past Indefinite nq| Many years since I (go) went abroad.
13.  Since: Since hy³ Sentence Gi cÖ_g Ask hw` Past Indefinite nq Zvn‡j c‡ii As‡k Past Perfect Tense nq| It was two years since I (visit) had visited the zoo.
14.  No sooner .......... than/Scarcely ...... when/Hardly ....... when/Hardly ....... When/before: BZ¨vw` (†h‡Z bv †h‡ZB, Ki‡Z bv Ki‡ZB, †cŠQ‡Z bv †cŠQ‡ZB eySv‡Z)  correlative conjunction hw` hy³ nq t
       * Structure: No sooner/Scarcely/Hardly + had + Sub. + V. (P.P.F) + when /than/before + other clause Past Indefinite. Hardly had he reached the station when the train left (leave). No sooner had the rain (stop) stopped that they (leave) left the shelter.
15.  After, before: After Gi c‡i Ges before Gi c~‡e©i Ask Past Perfect Tense nq Ges Ab¨ clause wU Past Indefinite nq| The train (leave) left after they (reach) had reached the station. The doctor (come) before the patient (die).
16.  Had batter, had rather, had sooner, would better, would rather, must, let, need, dare: BZ¨vw` †Kvb ev‡K¨ _vK‡j V. Gi  Present form nq Ge cÖ`Ë V. Gi c~‡e© to _vK‡j Zv D‡V hvq| He would better (to go) go home. I will not let you (to enter) enter the classroom.
17.  ‡Kvb Simple Sentence G hw` `yBwU V. _v‡K Zvn‡j eÜbxi V. Gi mv‡_ ing (participle) †hvM Ki‡Z nq| [ A_ev bare infinitive (to jyß Infinitive V. Gi base form)].
       * N.B. D‡Ïk¨ eySv‡Z eÜbxi V. Gi c~‡e© to emv‡Z nq| I do not want (leave) to leave this place. I saw him (go) going. I saw him go [bare infinitive]
18.  Mind, worth, without, past, cannot help, could not help, with a view to, look forward to, would you mind, get used to, be used to, in addition to: BZ¨vw` †Kvb ev‡K¨ _vK‡j Ges eÜbxi V. Gi c~‡e© preposition _vK‡j †mB V. Gi mv‡_ ing †hvM Ki‡Z nq| I went to the library with a view to (read) reading there. He never thought of (go) to cinema.
19.  Would that/Oh that: ev‡K¨i ïi“‡Z hw` _v‡K Zvn‡j Subject Gi c‡i could e‡m Ges eªv‡K‡Ui V. Gi Present form nq| Would that I (go) could go to America.
20.  To be, having: Sentence G to be, having _vK‡j g~j V. Gi Past Participle nq| The teacher wanted the boy to be attended The thief ran away having (see) the police.
21.  It is time, it is high time, wish, fancy: BZ¨vw` †Kvb Sentence G _vK‡j eª¨vK‡Ui V. Gi nq| Past form I wish, I (win) won the prize. I fancy, I (fly) flew among the stars.
22.  Each, every, either, neither etc. : hw` †Kvb Sentence G _v‡K Zvn‡j eª¨v‡K‡Ui V. c~e©eZx© Subject Abyhvqx n‡e| Either he or his friends (has) have done this work.
23.  As if, as though, wish etc. hw` †Kvb sentence G _v‡K Zvn‡j eª¨v‡K‡Ui “to be” Gi ¯’‡j were e‡m| He speaks as if he (be) were the owner of the market.
24.  Can, could, may, might, shall, will, would etc. Model auxiliary V. hw` †Kvb sentence G _v‡K Zvn‡j g~j V. Gi Present form nq| He can (do) do the work.
25.  Auxiliary V. “to be” Gi iƒcvš—i (am, is, are, was, were, shall be, will be)  _vK‡j Passive Voice Gi †¶‡Î g~j V. Gi Past Participle nq| The boy is (send) sent to school.
26.  `yBwU clause Gi g‡a¨ †hwU‡Z if + subject + were _v‡K AciwUi Subject Gi c‡i might/would/could (might, could, would Gi cwie‡Z© might have/could have would have + eª¨vK‡Ui V. Gi P.P.F emv‡bv †h‡Z cv‡i) e‡m Ges eª¨vK‡Ui V. Gi Present form  e‡m| If I were a bird, I (fly) would fly or If I were a bird, I would have flown, If I were a king, I (help) would help or would have helped the poor.
27.  If + Present Indefinite + Future Indefinite Tense Gi Structure:
       If you walk slowly, you (miss) will miss the train.
28.  If + Past Indefinite + Future in the Past Indefinite Tense  Gi Structure:
       If he requested, I (go) would go. (could/would/might)
29.  If + Past Perfect + Future in the Past Perfect:
       If the thief had seen the policeman, he (run) would have run away. [would have/ could have/ might have + V. (P.P.F)]
30.  Since, or for: Since ev for Gici mgq D‡j­L (two hours, morning) _vK‡j Present Perfect Continuous It (rain) has been raining for two hours.
31.  RvwZevPK ev ¸YevPK Adjective (rich, poor, virtuous etc.) Gic‡i Plural V. n‡e| The rich (be) not always happy. The rich are not always happy.
32.  Tomorrow, next day, latter etc. _vK‡j Future Indefinite Tense nq| The next day he (come). The next day he will come.
33.  Have, has, had, get, got, etc. V. hLb †Kvb Sentence Gi g‡a¨ causative V. Gi KvR K‡i ZLb eª¨v‡K‡Ui V. Gi Past Participle nq| I got the work (d) done by him. I had my rice (cook). I had my rice cooked.
34.  Compound Sentence Gi GKwU clause Past n‡j Ab¨¸‡jv mvaviYZ Past n‡e|
       He came and (visit) me. He came and visited me.
35.  Complex Sentence Gi GKwU clause Past n‡j Ab¨¸jv Past n‡e| I kenw it (be) expensive. I know it was expensive.
36.  There Øviv †Kvb sentence ïi“ n‡j Ges c‡i singular number n‡j there Gi c‡i singular V. n‡e| Avi plural number n‡j plural V. n‡e|
       There (be) is a high school in our village. There (be) two high schools.
37.  A‡bK¸‡jv wRwbm GKK aviYv, cwigvY, ¯’vb ev GKB ˆ`N©¨ eySv‡j V. singular nq|
       Thirty miles (be) is a long way/distance.
38.  Lest hy³ sentence G lest Gic‡i †h Subject _v‡K Zvic‡i should/might e‡m|
       He ran fast lest he (miss) should miss the train.
39.  While Gi wVK c‡iB eª¨v‡K‡Ui g‡a¨ †h V. _v‡K Zvi mv‡_ ing ‡hvM nq| wKš‘ while Gic‡i Subject _vK‡j while Gi AskwU Past Continuous Tense nq| While (walk) walking in the garden, a snake bit him.
40.  eª¨v‡K‡Ui V. Gi c~‡e©i A_©vr main clause Gi verb wU Past Tense n‡j Ges c‡ii As‡ki next Gi c‡i †Kvb mg‡qi (next day, next week, next month, next year etc.) D‡j­L _vK‡j eª¨v‡K‡Ui V. Gi c~‡e© would or shoul e‡m| Avi eª¨v‡K‡Ui V. Prewnt form nq| He said that he (go) would go home the next year.
41.  All: All Gi c‡i plural noun nq Ges Zvi verb I plural nq| wKš‘ cÖev` evK¨ ev Proverbial word Gi c‡i verb singular nq| All men are/ were (be) present. All the (glitter) glitters is not gold.
42.  Someone, no anything, nothing, everyone, any, each, every etc. hw` Subject wnmv‡e KvR K‡i Zvn‡j Zv‡`i V. singular nq|
43.  News, wages, politics, civics, statistics, mathematics, economics, dynamics, innings, electronics, whereabouts gallows ethics etc. : †`L‡Z plural n‡jI singular V. †K wb‡`©k K‡i| The news (be) is false. The wages of sin (be) is death.
44.  People, police, dozen, cattle, gentry, folk, poultry, clergy etc. †`L‡Z singular n‡jI plural V. †K wb‡`©k K‡i| The police (be) are the friends of the public. Two dozen (make) make twenty four. The cattle (is) are grazing in the field.
45.  The number of, many a G `yÕwU Subject wnmv‡e em‡j singular V. †K wb‡`©k K‡i|
       The number of students (be) is/was 5000. Many a student’s (ruin) ruins his future through using drugs.
46.  More than one, singular v. †K follow K‡i wKš‘ more than two/three etc. plural V. †K wb‡`©k K‡i| More than a boy (be) is/was guilty. More than two boys (be) are/were present.
47.  Half, heaps, lots etc. Subject wnmv‡e em‡j Dnv hw` singular noun †K wb‡`©k K‡i Zvn‡j V. singular Ges plural noun †K wb‡`©k Ki‡j V. plural nq|
       Half of work (do) is/was done. Half of the apples (be) are/were bad.
48.  One and a half plural noun wKš‘ V. singular n‡e| One and a half lemons (be) is/was enough.
49.  Uncountable noun Gi mv‡_ Noun of e¨eüZ n‡j V. wU singular n‡e| None of the work (be) done. None of the work was done.
50.  One-third, One-fourth etc. Qvov me‡¶‡Î fMœvsk (two-thirds, fourth-sixths) plural nq Ges G`‡i Øviv cwigvY eySv‡j V. singular Ges msL¨v eySv‡j V. plural nq|
       (One-thirds) One third of the students are present. (Two-third) Thirds of the work is done.
51.  One of Gi ci noun ev pronoun me©`v plural nq| wKš‘ V. singular nq| One of the (boy) boys is present here.
52.  Not only--------but also Gi †¶‡Î †k‡li Subject Abyhvqx V. nq| Not only Rahim but also his friends (go) are going there.
53.  Noun clause G †Kvb Phrase, Gerund, Infinitive hw` Subject wnmv‡e e‡m Z‡e V. singular nq| To err (be) is human. Swimming (be) is a good exercise. To walk in the morning (be) is a good exercise. That Milton was a great poet (know) is known to all.
54.  In, after: In e¨eüZ nq future A_© eySv‡Z Ges after e¨eüZ nq Past A_© eySv‡Z| a month. He will come in a month.
55.  Indefinite Pronoun “one” Gi c‡i “one” em‡e, he e‡mbv| One must be conscious of his duty to the state. One must be conscious of one’s duty to the state. One must he conscious of one’s duty to the state.
56.  Either------or, wKsev Neither-------nor (or, nor) Øviv hy³ `yB ev Z‡ZvwaK Singular Noun _vK‡j verb Gi Singular Number n‡e| Neither this book nor that book are is worth reading. He or his brother (be) is/was present.
57.  hw` singular Ges plural Subject or, nor, either-------or, neither------nor Øviv hy³ nq ZLb plural Subject wU †k‡l e‡m Ges V. wU plural nq| He or his friends (has done) have done this work. Neither she or her sisters (be) were absent.
58.  hLb Subject-G person, or, nor, either------or, neither------nor  hy³ nq ZLb †k‡lv³ person Gi Subject Abyhvqx verb e‡m| Either he or I (be) am mistaken. Neither you nor she (be) is beautiful.
59.  A number of, a lot of, a many Gi ci plural noun (_vK‡j) + plural V. nq|
       A number of students (be) were present there. A lot of boys (sing) were singing on the stage. The majority of students (does) have done this work. A many students are present. Many a student (are) is present.
60.  No, nothing, anything, someone, somebody, everyone, any, every, each, etc. hw` Sub. wnmv‡e KvR K‡i Zvn‡j Zv‡`i V. singular nq| Nothing (be) is useless in the earth. Every flower and every fruit (be) is the gift of god.
61.  Each hw` KL‡bv plural Subject †K wb‡`©k K‡i ZLb V. plural nq| The pupils each (has) have to take the competition.
62.  eª¨v‡K‡Ui V. Gi c~‡e©i As‡ki A_©vr main clause Gi V. wU Past Tense Gi n‡j Ges c‡ii As‡k next Gi c‡i †Kvb mg‡qi (next day, next week, next month, next year etc.) D‡j­L _vK‡j eª¨v‡K‡Ui V. Gi c~‡e© would ev should e‡m| G‡¶‡Î eª¨vK‡Ui V. wUi present form nq| He said that he (go) would go home the next day.
63.  Subject singular n‡j verb wUI singular nq| I (be) am a second year student.
64.  Subject plural n‡j V. wUI plural nq| They (be) are happy couple as a I knew. The people of Bangladesh (be) are very poor.
65.  And Øviv hy³ n‡qI hw` noun ¸‡jv GKwU gvÎ fve cÖKvk K‡i Z‡e V. singular nq|
       Bread and butter are is my favorite breakfast.
66.  ‡Kvb sentence G wewfbœ Persons Gi Noun I Pronoun GK‡Î wjwLevi mg‡q cÖ_g 2nd person Zvici 3rd Ges †k‡l 1st person (321) e‡m| I, you & Habib are present. You, Habib & I are present.
       * N.B. wKš‘ †`vl ¯^xKvi eySv‡j cÖ_‡g 1st person Zvici 2nd Ges †k‡l 3rd person (123) e‡m| You, Habib & I are guilty. I, You & Habib are guilty.
67.  Verb Gi Subject hw` Relative Pronoun nq Z‡e V. Gi number I person Aek¨B Relative Pronoun Gi antecedent Gi number I person Abyhvqx n‡e|
       You, who are my friend, should help me in my difficulty. A country that has a large population will face economic problems.
68.  hLb Relative Pronoun Gi wfbœ Person wewkó `yÕwU antecedent Av‡Q e‡j g‡b nq (cÖK…Zc‡¶ antecedent GKwUB) ZLb V. me‡P‡q Kv‡Qi antecedent wUi person Gi AYymiY K‡i| I am the man who helps the poor. You are the person who speaks ill of me.
69.  Subject I complement wfbœ wfbœ number Gi n‡j V. wU Subject Gi number Abyhvqx nq| Our only guide was (were) the stars. Bangladesh’s great need is (are) houses at fair rents.
70.  Anticipatory ‘It’ ‡h‡Kvb Number I Gender Gi noun ev pronoun cÖm‡½ e¨eüZ n‡jI GwUi V. me©`v singular n‡q _v‡K| It is these books that I want.
71. †Kvb Plural noun/pronoun hw` with, together with, along with, in addition to as, well as, accompanied by etc. Øviv †Kvb singular Subject Gi mv‡_ hy³ nq †Ze Zv w`‡q V. Gi  number cÖfvweZ bv n‡q singular Subject Gi V. number Abyhvqx Zv wba©vwiZ n‡e| singular Subject number He together with his teachers intends to visit us. Karim as well as his brothers deserves praise.
72.  Absent, avail, enjoy, pride, exert etc. V. Gi ci Reflexive Pronoun e‡m| Rahim absented from the C. Rahim absented himself from the College.
73.  ‡Kvb e¯‘ ev †`‡ki bvg plural †hv‡M MwVZ n‡jI Subject wnmv‡e Zv singular V. MÖnY K‡i| The United Status of America is rich country. Gulliver’s Travels is an interesting book.
74.  Sub. + inform + e¯‘evPK Object + of + e¨w³evPK Object.
       Rahim + informed + the matter + of + the police.
75.  Insist + on + Possessive form + V. + ing + evKx Ask|
       Karim + insisted + on + my + going + home.

Another some important techniques of Cloze test.

1.    Comma (,) : Verb Gi ci comma _vK‡j, D³ verb Gi mv‡_ ing hy³ nq|
       The sun (have) having set, I returned to my brother’s house.
2.    Like : Like Gi ci ciB †h verb _v‡K H verb Gi mv‡_ ing hy³ nq| It is essential for human being to learn something like (to ride) riding bicycle.
3.    Let : Let Gi ci verb Gi present form nq| Let me (to know) know by the return mail.
4.    How + be + noun : How + be + noun _vK‡j D³ noun Abyhvqx is/are n‡e| How + (be) is Tomy?
5.    Prefer : A_©-AwaKZi cQ›`/¸i“Z¡ †`qv, †kªq g‡b Kiv| †Kvb ev‡K¨ prefer _vK‡j ZLb structure wU n‡e wbgœiƒc : Prefer + V. + ing + to + V. + ing. I prefer writing to (read) reading before examination.
6.    Stop : Stop Gici hw` †Kvb verb Av‡m, Zvn‡j D³ verb Gi mv‡_ ing hy³ nq|
       Stop (kill) killing birds because it is a harm for environment.
7.    Be : “Be” Gici verb Gi me©`v Past Participle nq| Eating habits are not be (neglect) neglected.
8.    Verb : Sentence Gi ïi“‡Z verb _vK‡j H verb Gi mv‡_ ing hy³ nq| Swimming is a good exercise.
9.    Were : Were Gici be _vK‡j be = being n‡e| I saw that some ships were (be) being unloaded.
10.  Being : Being + V.P.P.F. In spite of being (call) called a selfish game of only two persons, Chess interests me more well.
11.  Owing to : Owing to Gi ci verb Gi mv‡_ ing hy³ nq| Accidents occur frequently in those water transports mainly owing to (overload) overloading.
12.  Uncountable noun : Uncountable noun Gici verb singular nq| Physical exercise (play) plays a vital role to make our health sound. (life, heat, vapor, moon soon)
13.  Future in the Past : AZxZKv‡ji fwel¨r eySv‡j eÜbxi V. Gi c~‡e© would/could/ might/should e‡m| Last year you told me that you (visit) would visit Bangladesh during the winter.
14.  One : One hw` Subject wnmv‡e e¨eüZ nq, Zvn‡j Gi verb Gi singular form nq|
       If one (know) knows English Language, one can hope to get a good job almost everywhere in the world.
15.  Preposition + V. + ing. We should realize the importance of (take) taking regular physical exercise.
16.  Preposition: P.P. Gi c~‡e© hw` P.V. _v‡K, Zvn‡j H V. Gi P.P.F. nq Ges D³ V. Gi c~‡e© Tense Person Abyhvqx auxiliary V. e‡m|
       Hamlet is (write) written by Shakespeare.
       (Prepositions : at, about, after, against, by, behind, before, for, from, in, on, of, into, within, to since, beside, besides, between, among, over).

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