Learning English, Literature, Linguistics: Verbal and its classification

Friday 9 December 2011

Verbal and its classification

                                       Verbal and its classification

Verb Gi †h form (AvKvi ev i“c) †Kvb wbw`ó  subject Gi pesson I number Abyhvqx Øviv wba©vwiZ nqbv Ges mv‡_  verb, noun ev adjective Gi gZ e¨eüZ nq, Zv‡K Verbal e‡j| h_v:  verbal I drink tea, I like to drik tea. I stated drinking tea. I saw him drinking tea. verbal wZb cÖKvi: (i) Ground (2) Participate (3) Infinitive
(1) Geround : verb+ing (verb a present form Gi mv‡_  ing  hy³ n‡q hw` Zv  noun I verb Gi KvR K‡i GKm‡½ Zvn‡j Zv‡K  geround   e‡j| Reading is the favourite pastime. Swiming is a good exercise . Rising early is a good habit.
Function of the ground : gerund ****

(a) Verb Gi subject i“‡c: Waling is a good exercise. (b) verb Gi object i“‡c: I like playing football . I like reading (c) Preposition Gi object i“‡c He is fond of catching fish. He is fond of reading;. (d) verb Gi complemet i“‡c: My hobby is gardening. working is earning . (e) Nominative absolute i“‡c: swiming being a good exercise, I will swim every day. (GLv‡b being = nIqvq †h‡n‡Zz) Iambling being a crme, every one should auoid it, (f) compoind noun Gi: Tis is my reading room. Iive him his walking stick.
Participle: GKB mv‡_  verb Gi †h form, verb Ges adjective Gi KvR K‡i, Zv‡K  participle e‡j| participle wZb cÖKvi: (1) present participle (2) past participle (3) perfect participle
     (1) Present participle : verb Gi present form Gi mv‡_  “in” hy³ n‡e hw` Zv GKB mv‡_  verb Ges  adjective Gi KvR K‡i, Zvn‡j Zv‡K  present participle  e‡j| I saw a boy. playing football. sitting on a chair, I was reading a book.  we met a gist earying a basket of flowers . Do not get on the running bus.
(2) past participle : verb Gi mv‡_ d,ed,t,n, en, ev ne hy³ n‡q hw` Zv GKB mv‡_  verb I adjective Gi KvR K‡i Z‡e Zv‡K past participle e‡j| (past participle Øviv †Kvb AZxZ mg‡q KvRwU m¤úbœ n‡q‡Q eySvq) the can made in japan is running well. The day gone are sweeter than the days to come. The book is written by shelley. We was a few trees taden with fruit.
(1)    Perfect participle : Having +v.(p.p) verb Gi past participle Gi c~‡e©  having hy³ nIqvi ci hw` Zv GKB m‡_  verb I adjective Gi KvR K‡i Zvn‡i Zv‡K  perfect participle e‡j| having done the work. They went to the play ground. Having eaten rice, he went to bet. Having said this, he went away. Heaving the noise , the boy woke up.
·        verbal noun: Gerund Gi c~‡e©  the Ges c‡i  of e¨eüZ n‡i Zv‡K  verbal noun e‡j| ZvB gerund Ges verbal noun Gi AvKvi Ges A_© GK| ïay cv_©K¨ GB †h, gerund Øviv  verb Gi Kvh© m¤úbœ nq wKš‘  verbal noun Øviv noun Gi Kvh© m¤úbœ nq|  The reading of history is interesting. The taking of exercise is good to health.
(xvii) verbs of perception : perceipe  gv‡b Abyfe Kiv:  pescepition gv‡b Abyfe, Abyf~wZ| †PvL, Kvb wRnŸv, Z¡K-BZ¨vw` cuvPwU B›`ª‡qi gva¨‡g †Kvb wKQz Abyfe Kiv †h  verbs ¸‡jvi gva¨‡g Øviv e¨³ nq Zv‡`i‡K e‡j verb of pescepition. Gi“c v. Gi D`v:  see ‡`Lv I see a bind. hear : ‡kvbv : I hear her call. smell NÖvb †bqv: can you smell on odom (NÖvb, MÜ) feel Abyfe Kiv:  I ron feels hasd . Taste Av¯^v`b Kiv: Taste the mango. notice j¶¨ Kiv: Have you noticed the change (cwieZ©b) recognise wPb‡Z cviv: can you recognise me. etc. 

          (xix) Inchoative verbs : get, become, grow, come, go, trun, fall, run
I wear GB verb ¸‡jv ev‡K¨ e¨eüZ n‡q †Kvb Ae¯’vq Avi¤¢, cwibwZ, weKvk e¨³ K‡i| GRb¨ G‡`i‡K e‡j Inchoative verb ev wµqvi Avi¤¢m~PK wµqv  I am growing older and older (ey‡ov nw”Q) She got tried (K¬vš— n‡q coi) His dream will come true (Zvi ¯^cœ mZ¨ cÖgvwYZ n‡e) At the sight of the tiger, she truned pale (evNwU †`‡L †m wee©b n‡q †Mj). The beggar fell to eating (wf¶zKwU †L‡Z ïi“ Kij)
          (xx) Non-conclusive verb;) ‡h me verb cQ›`, AcQ›`, Dcjwä, Ávb BZ¨vw`
gvbwlK cÖwµqv cÖKvk K‡i Zv‡`i‡K  non-concluseive berb e‡j| I know the man (Avwg †jvKUv‡K wPwb) she likes mangoes (†m Avg cQ›` K‡i) agre, believe, recall, trust, love, want, wish, hate, hope, forgive, intend mind, prefer.
(xix) Inregular verb :) ‡h me  verb Gi wfZ‡i  vowel cwieZ©‡bi gva¨‡g (ev KgvBqv ) ev †k‡l n,ne,en ‡hvM K‡i, past tense: Ges past participle Gi i“c s.v.c. give-gave-given. do-did-done. auise-asose-aisen. degin-began-begun.
(xxii) Regular verb : ‡h mKi  verb Gi †k‡l ed, d. + ‡hvM K‡i  past tense Ges past participle MVb Kiv nq, Zv‡K  Regular verb e‡j| kill-killed-killed. build-buill-buill. dane-daned-daned. hear-heard-heard. (alos called –weak verb).
·        Not: We distinguist three types of inregular verb:
(1)    verbs in which all three forms are the same (e.g.cut-cut-cut. hit-hit-hit.
(2)    verbs in which two of the forms are the same (e.g.sit-sat-sat. bleed-bled-bled.
(3)    verbs in which all three forms are different e.g.ring-rang-rimg. eat-ate-eaten.
·        Infinitive : to+basform of a verb A_©vr verb Gi present form Gi Av‡M  to ewm‡q  infinitive MVb Kiv nq| infinitive ‡Kvb sub. Gi mv‡_ m¤ú„³ bq| Bnv ïay  verb Gi fve eySvq| number,person, tense- ‡f‡` Gi †Kvb cwieZ©b nq bvh| He want to go there
·        Not: infinitive D³ ev Aby³ _vK‡Z cv‡i|  Infinitive D³ _vK‡j Zv‡K to infinitive ev full infinitive e‡j Ges Aby³ _vK‡j Zv‡K  base infinitive e‡j| He wants to buy a pen (full infinitive). I saw him go (base infinitive).
·        Infinitive : `yÕcÖKvi (i) simple ev noun infinitive (ii) qualifying infinitive.
(1)     Simple or non –infinitive : Infinitive hLb noun Gi KvR K‡i ZLb Zv‡K  simple ev  noun – infinitive e‡j| GB cÖKvi  Infinitive noun Gi gZ KvR K‡i e‡j sub. object, complement BZ¨vw` wnmv‡e e¨eüZ nq|
(2)     (i) As a subject: To tell a lie is a sin. (ii) As an object: I want to go. (iii) As an object of a preposition: I can not but (to laught (iv)  As the complement to verb: She appears tobo tired. (v) As the complement to an object : we expect you to go.
·        Gerundial or qualifying infinitive: ‡Kvb infinitive hLb D‡Ïk¨ (purpose) Kvib, kZ©, djvdj (cause, condition, result) (parenthetically e¨eüZ nh)cÖKvk K‡i Adjective ev adverb Gi gZ e¨eüZ nq ev adjective ev adverb. Gi KvR K‡i ZLb Zv‡K  Gerundial or qualifying infinitive e‡j| I went to college to attend the class (purpose). We cat to live. (cause). I am sorry to distiuv you. He came to see me (purpose) . You can take my. book to read for only a week. (kZ©)  He studied haid to score good marks in the ex. (djvdj) To speak the truth , I am a poor. To be brief, we wor’t go these. (parenthetically ) use of
·        perfect infinitive : To have +past participle. I am sorry to have distrubed you. I hoped to have  hepled you. (dsise intend, wish, command) He intended / wanted to have completed reading the book that day.
·        Principal verb Gi KvR hLb m¤úbœ nq ev n‡qwQj Zvi Av‡M †Kvb KvR m¤úbœ n‡q‡Q eySv‡Z perfect infinitive e¨eüZ nq| As. He has killed some one. He seems to have killed some one.
·        m¤¢vebv eySv‡Z may, might, can, could, would etc. verb Gi mv‡_  perfect infinitive e¨eüZ nq|  I could have done this. They might have played well. (Zvi fvj †Lj‡Z cviZ)–-m¤¢vebv wQj wKš‘ Zviv Zv cv‡iwb|
·        say, report, hear, belive BZ¨vw` verb Gi c‡i indiect nassation G perfect infinitive e¨eüZ nq GLv‡b be+said= (†hgb is said, are said) Ges be+reported (†hgb is/are reported Gi K_v eySv‡Z n‡e| A_©Ar evK¨wU n‡e  passive voice Gi He is said to have been killed by  †ejv n‡q _v‡K †h. †m Øviv wbZn n‡q‡Q| kazi nazrul islam is said to have mansied twice or thice in his life.
·        Split infinitive : infinitive Gi “to” verb Gi g‡a¨ †Kvb Adverb ev adverb phrase e¨eüZ n‡j Zv‡K split infinitive e‡j| As: I tokd him to do it. I told him to do. it quickly. I told him to quickly do it. He told me to belive it fimly. He told me to fimly believe it (split structure: to+adverb+verb!
·        Base infinitive : wb‡Pi  verb ¸‡jvi c‡i  infinitive (to) e‡m bv|  can, do, many, must, shall, will, example-I may help you, He must do it.
·        Note: active voic G please, see, elt, make, know, feel, hars, dase, bid ned, behold, watch, notice BZ¨vw`  verb ¸‡jvi ci (to) Dn¨ _v‡K| I saw him (to) go. He bade me (to) to home. please (to ) do it.

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