Learning English, Literature, Linguistics: Teaching and Learning modes in the Teacher Education Process

Monday, 12 December 2011

Teaching and Learning modes in the Teacher Education Process

                      Teaching and Learning modes in the Teacher Education Process
There are many different teaching and learning modes in language teacher education. Based on possibilities of modes, we could categorize the activates as follows:

How much tutor-trainee interaction?
       This is a category which occurs to many a person with the formal lecture, or with the televised lecture in distance learning. It exists near one end of the scale, and a lively discussion group near the other end.

How much tutor control?
       In this category, at one extreme, we would have the formal lecture permitting the teacher’s complete control, and the tutor less group at the other allowing the teacher’s minimal control.

How much attention to the individual?
       In this category, the individual may receive all necessary attention, or contrarily no attention of the teacher.

How application?
       This category includes two extreme opposites-theoretical or practical, such as reading a theoretical textbook or carrying out a case study.

How much scope for expression of feelings?
       This category deals with the issues that certain furniture arrangements encourage one kind of activity or interaction whereas some other sorts of furniture arrangements discourage another.

What is the source of teaching support and how is it used?
       Teaching sessions may utilize one or more kinds of teaching support, for example, chalkboard, whiteboard, audio, video, PowerPoint and so on. They may differ regarding how much a particular support is used in teaching.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Teachers are performers. One has to mount a “production” while teaching important and pertinent information to gain the interest of our students. This is not intended to say that the teacher is playing a role, but that the teacher is providing an amiable environment in which Learning can happen.