Learning English, Literature, Linguistics: Know about Case

Friday 9 December 2011

Know about Case


·        Definition : ev‡K¨i wfZ‡i Noun ev Pronoun Gi mv‡_ Ab¨ k‡ãi m¤úK©কে Case e‡j| or A case is the relation of noun or a pronoun to  other words/with some other words in a sentence, Rahim is a good boy. He goes to school regularly.
·        Kinds of case : case are of three kinds:
(i)              Nominative case (KZ…©KviK): Noun বা Pronoun hLb ev‡K¨i KZ©v ev wÎqv m¤úbœKvix wnmv‡e KvR K‡i ZLb Zv‡K Nominative case e‡j| He lives in Dhaka, Rahim lives here.
(ii)           Objective case (Kg©KviK) : hLb †Kvb Noun ev Pronoun কোন verb বা Preposition এর Object হিসাবে e¨eüZ nq তখন  Zv‡K Objective case e‡j | He flies a kite, He told me everything.
(iii)        Possessive case(m¤^Üm~PK KviK) : †h Noun ev Pronoun Aci †Kvb e¨w³ ev e¯‘i mv‡_ Dnvi m¤^Ü cÖKvk K‡i; Zv‡K Possessive case e‡j | This is karim’s pen, my book.
·         N.B  ‡K  (who) wK  (what cÖkœ ivL‡j †h kã ev kã mgwó Zvi DËi †`q ZvB   Nomination case.
·        Sentence G verb Gi Dci wK (what) ev Kv‡K (whom) Øviv cÖkœ Ki‡ †h word Zvi DËi †`q Zv  objective case. The man punished the boy. The boys are in the garden.
·        Construction of possessive case.
(i) mvavibZ singular noun Gi mv‡_  apostrophe. (‘) I s †hvM K‡i Possessive case MVb Ki‡Z nq| noun +s→p. He is Rahim’s brother. (ii) Noun hw` plural  nq Ges Zvi †k‡l pluralMVbKvix  s _v‡K Zvn‡j Zv‡K  possessive Ki‡Z n‡j Zvi †k‡l ïay  apostophe (‘) ‡hvM Ki‡Z nq : †Kv      s †hvM Ki‡Z nq bv|This is a girls school (girls’s bq) Where is the offices ‘club? Gfv‡e : Teachers’room. boy’s school. Workers association.  Z‡e s †k‡lbv _vK‡j (Õ) s †hvM Ki‡Z n‡e| children’s dress, Women’s bags, men’s club. (iii) sake gv‡bi LvwZi ¯^v_© : forlove’s sake for beauty’s sake. GB sake Gi Av‡M hw` Ggb  noun _v‡K hvi †k‡l ice, ss ev sus _v‡K Zvn‡j  possessive Kivi mgq ïay (‘) †hvM Ki‡Z nq| for justice, sake, for goodness, sake. (iv) compound noun Gi †k‡li word wUi c‡i s ‡hvM K‡i Zv‡K P. Ki‡Z nq Brother in low’s wife. (v) e¯‘evPK noun Gi †k‡l  s bv ewm‡q Zvi Av‡M of ewm‡q possessive case MVb Ki‡Z nq| The pages of the book are green (not the book’s pages are green). (iv) One, everyone, No one, no body, Everybody - G¸‡jvi mv‡_ s ‡hvM K‡i possessive case MVb Ki‡Z nq| One should respect one’s parents. Nobody’s father wants to kill him or her.
·        A‡PZb c`v_©‡evaK  Noun ‡K hw` m‡PZbi“‡c eY©b Kiv nq: Duty’s call . The moon’s hight. death’s hand.
·        gh©v`v m¤úbœ Noun Gi †k‡l : count’s order. gods love. country’s glory.
·        Sub. I, we, you, he, she, they, one, it, object me, us, you, him, her, them, one, it, karim.
(i)Nominative , I, we, they, she, you. (2) Possessive my, our, their, her, your, his, one’s, its, (3) Double possessive : mine, ours, their, hers, yours, noun Gi †¶‡Î of+Noun+S=Double possessive. The house of Rafiq. A book of my friend’s.
·        Treble/ Triple possessive : = of+Double possessive. The pen of mine is find. The cow of ours is red.
·        IRb mgq `~iZ¡ ev cwigvbÁvcK  Noun Gi †k‡l : One month notice. Two year’s time.
·        Phrase Gi ga¨w¯’Z A‡PZb c`v_©‡evaK  noun Gi †k‡l : At the stone’s  throw. to one’s heart’s content.

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