Learning English, Literature, Linguistics: Tag Questions

Friday 9 December 2011

Tag Questions

Tag Questions

ð    Definition: “Tag” A_© ÒRy‡o †`qvÓ Ges “question” A_© ÒcÖkœÓ| myZivs Conversation/ K‡_vcK_‡bi mgq wb‡Ri gZvg‡Zi Rb¨ Kv‡iv mg_©b cvIqvi Rb¨ †kªvZvi ¯^xK…wZ ev mg_©b †P‡q Sentence Gi †k‡l †h GKwU cÖkœ ms‡hvM Kiv nq, Zv‡K Tag Question e‡j|
       We eat rice, don’t we? I do not play cricket, do I?
ð    Rules of making Tag questions:
       1. g~j Sentence wU AcwiewZ©Z Ae¯’vq e‡m + comma (,) + Tag ques. + note of interrogation (?)
       2. Tag question G ïay Sub. Ges Auxiliary verb em‡e|
       3. Affirmative sentence Gi Negative tag nq Ges Negative sentence Gi Affirmative tag nq| Birds can fly, can’t they? He does not go to English Home, does he?
       4. Tag question Gi Sub me mgq Pronoun- G e¨eüZ nq|
       5. Tag question MV‡b †h mKj auxiliary V. e¨eüZ nq, †m¸‡jv‡K Operator ev mnKvix V. e‡j| G¸‡jv n‡”Q am, is, are, was, were, shall, should, can, could, may, might, will, would, have, has, had, must, do, did, does, ought, dare, need, & used to.
       6. Tag question me mgq sentence Gi †k‡l e‡m|

ð    Short form of Negative Tag :
       å an not --------- aren’t/ ain’t
       å must not --------- mustn’t.
       å is not --------- isn’t/ain’t
       å might not --------- mightn’t.
       å are not --------- aren’t/ain’t
       å do not --------- don’t.
       å was not --------- wasn’t
       å does not --------- doesn’t
       å were not --------- weren’t
       å did not --------- didn’t
       å have not --------- haven’t
       å subএবং  axe. V short form :
       å has not --------- hasn’t
       å he’s --------- is, was, has.
       å had not --------- hadn’t
       å he’d --------- had, would.
       å shall not --------- shan’t
       å They’re --------- are, were.
       å will not --------- won’t
       å I’m --------- am.
       å can not --------- can’t
       å We’ll --------- shall, will.
       å could not --------- couldn’t
       å let’s --------- shall we.
       å should not --------- shouldn’t

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